Saturday, November 7, 2009

What a Day

We are now one day away from Sterling's wedding. It's so hard to believe that she's getting married tomorrow. Today was a quiet day basically. Mandi slept over so we didn't get to sleep until around 230-3, and we woke up around 10ish. After getting ready and waking up we went outside and we took down the halloween decorations. She left around 1140 and then I got ready for my hair appointment.

Yes, that's right, I had a hair appointment. Almost all of the pink/purple that was in my hair is gone. Now I have my dark brown hair with honey highlights, and a little bit of pink on the sides of my face. My parents say I look like my sister from a few years ago. I really like the colors because the lighter brown brings out the color of my eyes.

Tonight my mom made lamb for dinner, it was so good! I missed her cooking. Now I'm about to play a game of "The Settlers of Catan", a strategy game that Johnny got about a month ago. We'll probably play a few rounds and then maybe I'll go back to my old ways and play a few rounds of Halo 3.

Here's a picture of my new hair style.

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