Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So I skipped a few days... oops. I've been really busy these past couple of days, so that's my excuse. It's coming close to the end of my first year at college and I couldn't be happier... well, that's a lie, I could be happier... I have a cold at the moment so it'd be great if that just went away... like, now.

Anyways, so far things have been pretty good. My studio professor is driving me insane... after 2 weeks of constantly changing my design, she's decided to change it one last time to what I had proposed 2 weeks ago. As soon as she said that I kind of just looked at her, as did all my friends around us, and just said fine. It's kind of annoying when you spend all your time making these changes from what you want to what your professor wants to see and then BAM! they like what you originally had but they think that they came up with it first... see, annoying.

This past weekend I spent Saturday hanging out with my coworkers, Allie and Eivette, who have become two really great friends. We went to this studio open house for Allie's interest and then ate at Q, this amazing restaurant on Clement and 3rd, the one I took my parents too last weekend and first went to with Allie and Eivette. After Q we went to Eivette's apartment and watched about 500 minutes of Hey! Arnold. It was pretty epic. We had a lot of fun hanging out, watching cartoons, and coloring disney color books. We had thai food for dinner and then played 2 games of scrabble. It was a great Saturday.